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5 Must-read Classic Literature Novels

For every person who loves to read books or wants to improve their horizons in the aspect of literature, classic literature novels are the best way to do so. The best companion with your morning coffee, and the perfect pre-bedtime rendezvous, classic literature novels fulfill all these needs.
These classics help us in more ways than we can imagine. Other than helping us utilize our free time productively, they also inculcate ethics and teach us about the era the classics are based upon. They also feed us with better grammatical and vocabulary skills. These books are very easily available in any local library or bookstore for really cheap, and also available on Kindle etc.
Here are some of the greatest classics of all times.

1. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen

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Having been adapted into movies and series multiple times, this popular classic focuses on the protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet, who grows over time from a person who made careless judgments to a person who realizes the value of things around her. The story depicts the lifestyle of people in that century, the social habits and the manners and ethics. It takes you on a rollercoaster ride through the love story of the Bennets sisters.

2. Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë

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A novel showing the dark side of the Victorian era and its hypocrisies, this novel has also been converted to prize-winning movies and theatrical drama. The novel depicts the life of Heathcliff from when he was very young and shows how his life was ruined and his status becomes that of a servant. When the woman he loved decided to marry someone else, he runs away and returns later only to have become much more rich and powerful, and to seek revenge.

3. A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens

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'A Tale of Two Cities' portrays the changes that occurred due to the French revolution via its protagonist, Dr. Manette. It shows how Dr. Manette was imprisoned in Paris for 18 years, and then upon being released, he goes to meet his daughter Lucie for the first time ever. Lucie meanwhile falls in love with Charles Darnay, who is a member of the French ruling class. Hoping to start a new life, his dreams break when he gets arrested trying to rescue his servant from Paris. In the end, a lookalike of Charles agrees to take his place in the prison and take up his death sentence.

4. To Kill a Mocking Bird - Harper Lee

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Lee in her novel 'To Kill a Mocking Bird', brings forward the social issue of racial discrimination that took place in America in the voice of a witness. She indeed won a number of awards including the Pulitzer Prize for this work. This novel takes us along the lines of the adventure of Scout Finch, Jem, and Dill of trespassing the Radley property, and eventually befriending Boo Radley. At the same time, Atticus  Finch, the lawyer, and father of Scout defends a  black man falsely accused of raping women. As a result of his support for a black man, his children are harassed and insulted.

5. Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe

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A travelogue and fictional autobiography for the central character named Robinson Crusoe, this novel takes us on a journey where the protagonist finds himself in a topical desert island as a result of a shipwreck and has to spend 28 years there before being finally rescued. During this time, he learns to hunt for food, becomes religious, and learns about survival and life. He comes across native cannibals also during his stay. Along with his newly found companion, he fights the cannibals and embarks upon the rest of his journey of finally escaping the island and going back to his previous life.


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